Curriculum Vitae - Course of Life

Aaron Wacker - Curriculum Vitae (CV)


Aaron Wacker - Senior Principal Engineer, Optum Health

Senior Principal Engineer

Over 30 years experience leading architecture and development teams focusing on AI delivery last 5 years delivering AI Assessment, Care Plan, Triage, Behavioral Health, Medical Inpatient, Outpatient, SNF provider recommendation systems for Clinical business and technology. I am a technical leader for two production products in Optum Health for Triage and Patient Check In EMR integrated health care processes used in U.S. care delivery organizations (CDOs).

Nearly every review since 2010, I have scored 5/5 exceeding expectations for review scores.

As an AI teacher on a weekly basis with my AI Zero to Hero course and annual global Hackathon leader, I have helped train over 3000 engineers on using AI for health care. I've also run Optum's Global Hackathon since 2019-2022 with over 2500 engineers. My weekly AI Zero to Hero class through Optum Technology University taught Generative AI, Streamlit, Python, Gradio, Huggingface Model, Dataset, and Space development. As a teacher I've achieved a Net Promoter Score of 97.7% promoters by helping others learn to build AI apps quickly and comprehensively using the latest AI techniques.

My own growth in AI development productivity has increased from up to ten programs per year (2021), to 200 per year in 2022, and over 578 total within Q1 2023 showing over 100x increase in productivity by using and teaching AI pair programming and learning techniques.

AI/ML platform technologies I am familiar with include Huggingface, Transformers, Keras, Jupyter, Scikit-learn, OpenCV, Fast.ai, GPT-3, DataRobot, Azure, Torch, Tensorflow, Streamlit, Gradio, Docker, Terraform, Python, Github and VSCode.

With product engineering and delivery I have led delivery of at least three large AI oriented projects per year since 2018 including notable successes such as 12 IP disclosure submissions with one successful patent covering 32 features for automating prior auth determinations using decision trees and AI, also serving as a patent mentor. Patent Link: https://assignment.uspto.gov/patent/index.html#/patent/search/resultAssignment?id=51748-479

Years Position-Company Notable Achievements & Links
2020 - 2023 Senior Principal Engineer Delivery of AI Assessment, AI Care Plan, Intelligent Data Recommender, Intelligent Nurse Triage, Ontology Manager, SympleNote for MA, SymptomSmart for WA, EasyCheck for CA
2017 - 2020 Senior Principal Engineer Accredited as Senior Principal Engineer, Deployed 4 solutions within ICUE to production that use AI to recommend providers, automate approvals for prior authorization, and review and make recommendations on clinical documents.
2016 - 2017 Director Architecture Moved from UHCMV to leading Clinical Architecture team of 14 reporting to VP Clinical Technology
2012 - 2016 Director App. Development Hired and managed team of 36 for UHCMV contract with $13M A/D annual leading CareOne and MVPega
2009 - 2012 Senior Development Manager Converted team from contractors to full time employees in 2009 working on CareOne and ICUE as technology leader focused on design and development
1995 - 2009 President/CEO Evolvable Corp. S-Corp Entrepreneur in consulting and product development with 8 employees with Travelers Express, UTV/Fox, US Bank, Best Buy, Target, UHG, and other clients.
1994 - 1995 Intern - UnitedHealth QA Test Automation Lead SQA Teamtest for Sales Support System SSS
1989 - 1994 U of MN Consultant for EE/CSCI, Physics, MechE, Aerospace and Walter Consultant for U of M at 5 laboratories.
1989 - 1994 U of MN - BIS - CSCI, PSY & JPN Philanthropy Chair, Scholarship Chair, Japanese fluency

Recent Videos Supporting Body of Work:

2022-2023 AI Assessments:

  1. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Assessment%20NER%20and%20CT%20-%20Review%20with%20Clinical%20-%20PR%20w%20Feature%20List/1_aksjd3dq
  2. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/Daily%20OH%20AI%20Standup-20230210_090326-Meeting%20Recording.mp4/1_jehc1xng
  3. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/NLP%20Clinical%20Ontology%20Biomedical%20NER%20Model/1_r5bt1hwt
  4. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20UI_UX%20Using%20Gradio%20and%20Streamlit%20-%20ASR%2C%20Speech%20In_Out%2C%20Chatbot%2C%20Clinical%20Biomedical%20NER%2C%20and%20Clinical%20Terminology%20Recognition/1_bvw180fc
  5. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/NLP%20Fact%20Extraction%20Pipeline%20DataRobot%20AI%20Model%20using%20ADT%20Datasets%20Light%20Gradient%20Boost%20Model%20w%20DataRobot%20AI%20Assessment%20Datasets%20and%20Clinical%20Terminology%20for%20Clinical%20NLP/1_hdynasdo
  6. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/Aaron%20Wacker%20and%20Mohamed%20Ali%20Demonstrate%20AI%20Pipeline%20for%20Clinical%20Medical%20and%20Behavioral%20Assessments/1_6wgj7d86
  7. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Assessment%20Workflow/1_k085g84n

2022-2023 AI Zero to Hero Course Recordings:

  1. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%20-%202023%2003%2009%2008%2002%20-%20100x%20Plan%20Using%20AI%20Pair%20Programming/1_pte6htm0
  2. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%202023.03.02%20-%20awacke1_ExamplesOfAI-2%20-%20https%3A__huggingface.co_spaces_awacke1_ExamplesOfAI-2/1_k7mprkxp
  3. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/%F0%9F%A9%BA%E2%9A%95%EF%B8%8F%F0%9F%A7%ACAI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%20-%20Fast%20AI%20by%20Example%20-%20Classroom%20Thursdays%208AM%20Central%20%E2%9A%97%EF%B8%8F%F0%9F%A7%A0%F0%9F%94%AC-20221215_080149-Meeting%20Recording/1_s665sj2o
  4. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/%F0%9F%A9%BA%E2%9A%95%EF%B8%8F%F0%9F%A7%ACAI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%20-%20Fast%20AI%20by%20Example%20-%20Classroom%20Thursdays%208AM%20Central%20%E2%9A%97%EF%B8%8F%F0%9F%A7%A0%F0%9F%94%AC-20221110_080347/1_duhggnoj
  5. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%20For%20Health%20-%2011_3_2022/1_781lwlv8
  6. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%20-%20Fast%20AI%20by%20Example%20-%2010202022/1_97xcph0j
  7. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%209_30%20-%20Fast%20Open%20Source%20AI%20by%20Example/1_a9ahbk2p
  8. https://optum.video.uhc.com/media/AI%20Zero%20to%20Hero%209_23%20-%20Fast%20Open%20Source%20AI%20by%20Example/1_5ts0j8j3

Recent NPS Feedback Scores and Comments

classid Score Additional Question: Why did you attend this training/event? Do you feel this course/event was effective in meeting the stated learning objectives? Please share your comments regarding this learning experience:

  1. 20230323 10 New Skills or Technology Agree very interesting!
  2. 20230323 10 New Skills or Technology, Refresh Skills Strongly Agree This class is excellent, Aaron provided the necessary tools and now we have to experience the tools and apply them to our ideas.
  3. 20230316 10 New Skills or Technology Strongly Agree
  4. 20230316 10 New Skills or Technology, Refresh Skills Strongly Agree Aaron is amazing! his demo is on point, and he always update his material! You consistently learn something new with every session that you attend! And love that Aaron is sharing his 30 years of experience and kepe improving our data culture! Thank you again Aaron!
  5. 20230316 9 New Skills or Technology Agree
  6. 20230316 9 Recommended/Required by Manager Agree Great class to learn more about AI models and ML. Learned more on how to make dashboards for HuggingFace and excited to learn more in the future!
  7. 20230309 10 Recommended/Required by Manager Agree Great examples and easy to follow. Might be a little quick for people without much experience, but having the sessions recorded gives them a chance to look back if needed.
  8. 20230309 9 New Skills or Technology, Recommended by Co-Worker Strongly Agree Excellent session by Aaron. Got good ways and tips to improve productivity by 100x
  9. 20230309 10 Recommended by Co-Worker Strongly Agree
  10. 20230309 10 Refresh Skills Strongly Agree Aaron is a great presenter and teacher. Both classes so far have been top notch. Thank you very much for motivating me to learn hugging face.
  11. 20230309 9 New Skills or Technology Strongly Agree Aaron packed into 1 hour an entire day's worth of amazing and practical content for me to watch again -- at a much slower pace so I can absorb and learn and practice. THANK YOU!
  12. 20230309 9 New Skills or Technology Agree
  13. 20230309 9 New Skills or Technology, Recommended by Co-Worker Agree
  14. 20230309 10 New Skills or Technology Strongly Agree really well explained session ! Would love to attend and explore more classes by Aaron !
  15. 20230309 10 New Skills or Technology Agree It appears it met the objective, but the class moved so fast I was unable to keep up with watching and doing at the same time so learning and copying/pasting examples run was not possible for me. I look forward to going through the video and watching more intently and following the examples to learn more. It appears to be thorough and something I will definitely be able to use.
  16. 20230302 10 New Skills or Technology Strongly Agree Like to participate and contribute to UHG AI platform models and learn more
  17. 20230302 10 New Skills or Technology, Recommended/Required by Manager Agree Although the main goal was to show how easy and fast it is to build AI apps, there were many dependencies and technical skills referenced and/or required for deeper knowledge (ChatGPT prompts, Python, GitHub, Streamlit, MarkDown). With inspired passion, I'll now go learn and practice those skills so I can apply them to building new apps with HuggingFace. I needed to watch the replay with frequent pauses, to allow it all to sink in.
  18. 20230302 10 New Skills or Technology Strongly Agree Thank you, Aaron, for the great session. Aaron was very detailed and clear while presenting the information.
  19. 20230302 10 New Skills or Technology Strongly Agree Amazing initiative.
  20. 20230302 10 New Skills or Technology, Refresh Skills Strongly Agree It was excellent , effective and good as a starter to get into AI
  21. 20230302 10 Refresh Skills Strongly Agree
  22. 20230302 10 New Skills or Technology, Refresh Skills Strongly Agree Learned how quickly use hugging face to create AI apps at great speed
  23. 20230302 10 Other (just trying to learn more about huggingface) Strongly Agree

Huggingface Organizations and Classrooms: image