Common Lisp bindings for the primesieve C++ library.
Generates primes orders of magnitude faster than any pure Lisp code!
- Get an array of primes
- Iterate over primes using little memory
- Find the nth prime
- Count/print primes and prime k-tuplets
- Multi-threaded for counting primes and finding the nth prime
(defpackage :cl-ps-test (:use :cl :cl-primesieve))
(in-package :cl-ps-test)
;; count/print primes
(count-primes 1 100)
(print-primes 1 100)
(count-twins 1 100)
(print-twins 1 100)
;; Get an array with the primes inside the interval [start, stop].
(generate-primes 1 (expt 10 9)) ; run under 1 sec
;; Get an array with the first n primes >= start(optional).
(generate-n-primes 1000)
(generate-n-primes 1000 100) ; get 1000 primes starting from 100
;; Get the 1000th prime
(nth-prime 1000)
;; Instead of generating a large array of primes and then do something
;; with the primes it is also possible to simply iterate over the primes
;; which uses less memory.
(defvar iter (make-iterator))
(init iter) ; init it before using it
(next-prime iter)
(skipto iter 100) ; reset the iterator to start from 100
(next-prime iter)
(prev-prime iter)
(free-iterator iter)
;; Set/Get number of threads used.
;; By default all CPU cores are used.
(set-num-threads 2)
For convenience, package cl-primesieve has nickname cl-ps.
For Debian/Ubuntu linux:
sudo apt install primesieve
cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
git clone
In a lisp repl:
(ql:quickload "cl-primesieve")