ARTLINE Home G43 running Hackintosh

This repository serves the purpose of keeping track my configuration for the specific device I own, but it might be useful for someone who uses the same hardware.

Here is a Reddit discussion.

NOTE: I have removed my serial number and other private info from SMBIOS section of config.plist, please follow guides (e.g. 1, 2) to fill those with "correct" values.

Hardware Specifications

ARTLINE Home G43 is an All-in-One computer built by a local Ukrainian company (ARTLINE) from commodity hardware:


I have successfully run this setup on Mojave (10.14) for a half a year, and upgraded to Catalina (10.15) in October, 2019.

WARNING: My config is a compilation of a number of configs I found on the Internet and it might have useless items, but it works for me. My EFI setup for Mojave did not work well for Catalina (after OTA update I booted to a screen with "striped" Apple logos), so I did many trials and errors to find the new config (ended up basing on @xiaooloong's asrock_deskmini310_hackintosh EFI with some of the config.plist customizations from my old Mojave config.plist)

My failing attempts were based on others work, which I want to mention:


  • Accelerated Graphics (it was a hassle to get LVDS display working)
  • Ethernet (RealtekRTL8111 kext works like a charm)
  • Wi-Fi (I had to replace Intel chip with a supported Broadcom one)
  • Bluetooth (it is the same chip as Wi-Fi)
  • AirDrop
  • Audio
  • Built-in speaker (I had to spoof the layout-id and found that 2, 18, and 53 layouts work for me)
  • Sleep and wake (it was not reliable with my Mojave setup, but it seems to be working 100% in Catalina)
  • Shutdown

Does not work

Please, let me know if you have a suggestion on how to fix these in the linked issue.

Not tested

  • HDMI
  • DisplayPort
  • Card Reader