awos for node:
- enable shards bucket
- add retry strategy
- avoid 404 status code:
Get(objectName string) (string, error)
will return"", nil
when object not existHead(key string, meta []string) (map[string]string, error)
will returnnil, nil
when object not exist
Use go get to retrieve the SDK to add it to your GOPATH workspace, or project's Go module dependencies.
go get
import ""
awsClient, err := awos.New(&awos.Options{
// Required, value is one of oss/s3, case insensetive
StorageType: "string"
// Required
AccessKeyID: "string"
// Required
AccessKeySecret: "string"
// Required
Endpoint: "string"
// Required
Bucket: "string"
// Optional, choose which bucket to use based on the last character of the key,
// if bucket is 'content', shards is ['abc', 'edf'],
// then the last character of the key with a/b/c will automatically use the content-abc bucket, and vice versa
Shards: [2]string{"abc","def"}
// Only for s3-like
Region: "string"
// Only for s3-like, whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects.
S3ForcePathStyle: false
// Only for s3-like
SSL: false
Available operations:
Get(key string, options ...GetOptions) (string, error)
GetAsReader(key string, options ...GetOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
GetWithMeta(key string, attributes []string, options ...GetOptions) (io.ReadCloser, map[string]string, error)
Put(key string, reader io.ReadSeeker, meta map[string]string, options ...PutOptions) error
Del(key string) error
DelMulti(keys []string) error
Head(key string, meta []string) (map[string]string, error)
ListObject(key string, prefix string, marker string, maxKeys int, delimiter string) ([]string, error)
SignURL(key string, expired int64) (string, error)
GetAndDecompress(key string) (string, error)
GetAndDecompressAsReader(key string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
CompressAndPut(key string, reader io.ReadSeeker, meta map[string]string, options ...PutOptions) error
Range(key string, offset int64, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error)