Uses the AWS ruby SDK gem to interact with AWS because I got tired of chasing bugs in other cookbooks.
It is designed to use the IAM instance profiles assigned to EC2 instances. Currently it doesn't support providing AWS credentials to resources directly
Installs the aws-sdk gem and it's dependencies at compile time.
To make LWRPs available for use and install the aws-sdk gem:
include_recipe "jlaws"
The supports the same attributes as the file resource.
jlaws_s3_file '/var/files/from/s3/mylocalfile.txt'
bucket 'my-s3bucket'
remote_path 'folder/mys3file.txt'
Alternately to the jlaws_s3_file resource if you need to use the contents of an S3 file during a chef run you may do the following:
secret = Jlaws.S3DataBagSecret(
data_bag_item = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load('my_data_bag', 'item', secret)
Extend existing Chef Resources and base actions on the following checks:
- node_running?('id-1111111')
- node_stopped?('id-2222222')
- node_stopping?('id-333333')
- node_terminated?('id-444444')
Example extending Log resource:
include_recipe 'jlaws'
Chef::Resource::Log.send(:include, Jlaws::Helper)
log "Node i-42273d11 is running!" do
only_if { instance_running?('i-42273d11') }
Some local testing can be done with test-kitchen. To test AWS instance statuses you must first export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
Author:: James Legg (