503020 API

Budgeting the way people actually budget



NodeJS/NPM, Java Runtime Environment, AWS CLI

Serverless Framework:

npm i -g serverless

Clone the repository, run:

npm i

run sls offline start. This should start a local dynamoDB instance, as well as a local API Gateway, which bypasses authorization for local testing. API endpoints run from localhost:3000.

API endpoints

POST /createBudget
  "userId": string,
  "budgetName": string

On 200, returns same params.
POST /readBudgets
  "userId": string


list of user budgets
POST /updateBudget
  "id": string,
  "userId": string,
  "budgetName": string

=> on 200, returns same params
DELETE /deleteBudget
  "id": string,
  "budgetName": string

=> on 200, returns same params
POST /createBudgetItem
  "budgetId": string,
  "name": string,
  "cost": float,
  "dueDate": integer (1-31, day of month),
  "balance": float (ONLY USED IF UPDATING BANK BALANCE. IN THIS CASE, SEND ONLY itemId and new balance. Issue is open to make this suck less.)

=> on 200, returns same params

POST /readBudgetItems
  "budgetId": string
  BudgetItems: result.Items,
  budgetTotal: totalBudget(result.Items),
  totalByPayPeriod: totalByPayPeriod(result.Items),
  currentMonth: getCurrentMonth(),
  numberOfDaysUntilNextPay: numberOfDaysUntilNextPay(),
  currentBalance: currentBalance(result.Items),
  dailyBudget: currentBalance(result.Items)/numberOfDaysUntilNextPay(),
POST /updateBudgetItem
  "id": string,
  "budgetId": string
  "name": string
  "cost": float (bigdecimal)
  "duedate": integer (1-31, day of month)

=> on 200, returns same params
DELETE /deleteBudgetItem
  "id": string

=> on 200, returns same params