API Documentation


Returns a JSON object of all products including product number, name, and description. If no products, 404 is returned.

GET /:primary_key

The primary key is defined as productNumber. Returns a JSON object of the specified product's product number, name, and description


Creates a product. Accepts a JSON payload:

        productNumber: string
        productName: string
        productDescription: string

Updates a product. Accepts a JSON payload:

        productNumber: string
        productName: string
        productDescription: string

Deletes a product. Accepts a JSON payload, where primary_key is the item's productNumber.

        primary_key: string


NodeJs 14+
AWS SDK (tested on WSL 2 Ubuntu 20.04LTS)
properly configured ~/.aws/credentials file

npm install -g serverless

git clone https://github.com/aaronrohrbacher/plain-text-coffee

cd plain-text-coffee

serverless deploy --stage dev

Woop! It worked! I'm sure of it! Your endpoints will be shown once deployed.