Python - Validate Move Azure Resources
Validates a source Azure resource group and all child resources to check for moveability support into a target resource group within a target subscription.
Python - Validate Move Azure Resources
Version History:
- 1.0 - Initial version to use environment variables
- 2.0 - Now uses command line arguments and better error handling, other bug fixes.
- 3.0 - Now uses modules and has limited unit testing.
- 3.0.2 - New makefile and updated github action.
- 3.0.3 - Updated to use poetry - see makefile
This script takes a Source SubscriptionID and Source ResourceGroup as parameters, analyzes the subscription/resource group. and gathers a list of resource Ids and resources that can and cannot be moved to a Target SubscriptionID and Target ResourceGroup and reports accordingly.
NOTE: This script just outputs findings and doesn't move any resources.
Software Requirements
- Python v3.10 or higher needs to be installed -
- Poetry v1.5.1 or higher needs to be installed -
- Azure CLI tools 2.48.1 or later
Azure Setup
You must be logged into the Azure from the command line for this program to work. This program will use the CLIs current logged in identity.
Ensure you have run the following:
az login
# Where "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" is your subscriptionID
az account set --subscription "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
Python Environment Setup:
Using the Makefile
will setup the full virtual environment using Poetry for you
To setup the dependencies, run:
make install
This will setup the environment with the dependencies from the pyproject.toml file.
poetry run python --SourceSubscriptionId "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" --SourceResourceGroup "SourceRSG" --TargetSubscriptionId "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" --TargetResourceGroup "TargetRSG"
Known issues and limitations
- Currently this program only supports subscriptions and resource groups under the same single tenant.
- No know bugs or known issues - if found, please report here