
SQLite Manager for iOS: an Obj-C wrapper for SQLite3

Primary LanguageObjective-C


SQLiteManager is a simple Class "wrapper" to use SQLite3 within iOS SDK. It provides methods to:

  • connect/create a database in your documents app folder
  • do a simple query
  • get rows in NSDictionary format
  • close the connection
  • dump your data in sql dump format

For the moment that's all ;)

SQLiteManager is made by Ester Sanchez (aka misato) and it's free to use, modify and distribute. If you use it, don't forget to mention me as the original creator.

Thanks and enjoy!


Just drag the two classes into your project. Also you need to import SQLite3 framework. Go to frameworks-> add existing framework->libsql3.dylib

To use an existing database, the full path is required:

NSString *dbPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"users" ofType:@"db"];
dbManager = [[SQLiteManager alloc] initWithDatabaseNamed:dbPath];

The code is pretty self-explanatory so i hope you'll understand it. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to contact me at esanchez [at] misato [dot] es

You have also an usage example in SQLiteManagerExample directory.


If your app is version 0.1, and then you released version 0.2, and in version 0.2 you did modified the structure of database, so you have to migrate the old version database to a new version, SQLiteMigrater will help you to solve this issue :D

here is an example:

////////////////////////////////////////////////// MyMigrater.h

#import "SQLiteMigrater.h"

static NSString * const kIGLocalStorageTableNameSystemMessage = @"SystemMessage"; // this is your table name

@interface MyMigrater : SQLiteMigrater

////////////////////////////////////////////////// MyMigrater.m

#import "MyMigrater.h"
#import "SQLiteManager.h"

@implementation MyMigrater

@synthesize migrateList = _migrateList;
@synthesize versionList = _versionList;

#pragma mark - getters and setters
- (NSDictionary *)migrateList
    if (_migrateList == nil) {
            SQLiteManagerMigrateObject *migrate0_1 = [[SQLiteManagerMigrateObject alloc] init];
            migrate0_1.upSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %@ (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT);", kIGLocalStorageTableNameSystemMessage];
            migrate0_1.downSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %@;", kIGLocalStorageTableNameSystemMessage];
            SQLiteManagerMigrateObject *migrate0_2 = [[SQLiteManagerMigrateObject alloc] init];
            migrate0_2.upSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"INSERT INTO %@ (name) VALUES ('casa');", kIGLocalStorageTableNameSystemMessage];
            _migrateList = @{@"0.1":migrate0_1, @"0.2":migrate0_2};
    return _migrateList;

- (NSArray *)versionList
    if (_versionList == nil) {
        _versionList = @[kSQLiteVersionDefaultVersion, @"0.1", @"0.2"];
    return _versionList;


and you should set your instance of migrator after you created SQLiteManager:

dbManager = [[SQLiteManager alloc] initWithDatabaseNamed:@"prueba.db"];
dbManager.migrator = [[MyMigrater alloc] init];


  1. inherit SQLiteMigrater

  2. synthesize migrateList and versionList

  3. write getter for migrateList

    3.1 the key is version string, and the value is instance of SQLiteManagerMigrateObject

    3.2 set upSql of SQLiteManagerMigrateObject, upSql is the SQL to do your change of new version.

    3.3 set downSql of SQLiteManagerMigrateObject, if upSql failed, migrater will run downSql to rollback. You don't have to set it

  4. write getter for versionList

    4.1 the first one must be kSQLiteVersionDefaultVersion

    4.2 migrator will execute SQLiteManagerMigrateObject in the order of this versionList

  5. make sure your migrateList is correct with versionList

  6. instanciate your migrater and set it to your SQLiteManager:

dbManager = [[SQLiteManager alloc] initWithDatabaseNamed:@"prueba.db"];
dbManager.migrator = [[MyMigrater alloc] init];
  1. done!