
Provides simple, regular, thin, synchronous and minimal TCP/IP socket wrapper on Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


2015/01/19 Hoon H.

Provides simple, regular, thin, synchronous and minimal TCP/IP socket wrapper on Swift.

This just wraps BSD socket as is, and does not try to add any extra abstraction. I believe this can serve any applications, but I intended this for quicky apps.

How To Use

This is single file library. Copy all .swift files (except main.swift) into your project. Here's an example that performs an HTTP request.

	let	s	=	TCPIPSocket()
	let	f	=	NSFileHandle(fileDescriptor: s.socketDescriptor)

	s.connect(TCPIPSocketAddress(173, 194, 127, 231), 80)
	f.writeData(("GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)
	let	d	=	f.readDataToEndOfFile()

	println(NSString(data: d, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)

The TCPIPSocket class is the core. And it does not provide any I/O methods. Instead create and use NSFileHandle class to perform actual I/O.


  • Swift 1.2.


  • No non-blocking API. All executions are blocking just like old-school BSD socket. You can design your own non-blocking behavior using GCD dispatch and semapores.

  • No I/O functions. Unix can use same I/O functions for sockets and files. And there's no reason to add duplicated functions. Instead, use NSFileHandle class to perform I/O. If you have some existing codebase with NSFileHandle class, it will become available for free.

  • No DNS resolution. Do it yourself if you need it.

  • No any other socket mode. Strictly only for TCP/IP. No UDP, no raw, and no any other protocols I have never heard of its name in recent 10 years...


  • IPv6 support is desired feature, but I have no time to work on it. It will be added when I feel need for it.

  • Some fundamental socket functions such as select. This also will be added when I feel need for it.

  • DNS resolution service. As a separated feature rather than a part of API.


Licensed under MIT license. This library is written by Hoon H., and hosted on Github.

Copyright(c) Hoon H.. All rights reserved.