This is a todolist project from Angela Yu's complete bootcamp. Using EJS, express and Node.js ->A To-do list Application 📋 ->Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Express, EJS.
This is complete code of web application call a toDoList in these to do list you can keep the track of the work that you need to complete by the end of the day so basically, The date and day used to be mention on top of the web page and input option is there what task you want to complete it so you can input your task to be done and once your task is complete you have option to check in the box so that your task will be cancel out there and you might thinking is you have input the task with wrong details than you have option to delete the task also and all the task and everything is store in Database so if later you want to review it you can do it
So from the above code sample of todolist I have learn the following things is how to connect up the backend and frontend task , then how to create better user experience on web page so that user can like the web page and it should be error free app , other main thing how to manage all the data which user give it on frontend webpage retrieve the data and store it on Database so that data can be store properly, and Main difficult i faced was while deploying this app on server as it was working fine on localhost but when we are deploying on cloud it was some error, so this was major challenge it faced but i had overcome this by writing the proper codes in the file and managing the code and make the code ready for the cloud deploy so after doing all those thing, finally the app was ready to host on cloud platform and it was working fine with no error and go user experience, so I learn a lesson that optimized and write a efficient code so that it can run on every machine