
A django-based E-commerce website

Primary LanguagePython

To run this project in your computer, follow the steps below
Step 1. Make and activate virtual Environment in your computer
    In windows
    > virtualenv ecom
    > Scripts\activate
    In mac and linux
    $ virtualenv ecom
    $ source bin/activate

Step 2. Clone the project
    $ git clone https://github.com/AashishGh/Link-X.git
    if you donot have git in your computer, install it before and clone it again.

Step 3: Install dependencies 
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Apply the migration if any
    $ python manage.py migrate

Step 5: You can now open project folder in your editor

Step 6: Run Development server
    $ python manage.py runserver

Now you can modify the code and data
Make better design to make your project more stunning.