
A kubernetes learning repo , using minikube deploye a mongodb instance and a mern app instance.


This repo is created to log the learning of Kubernetes deployments on local controlled environment using Minikube & Docker Desktop.


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Commands that are used to setup and run this project.


  • Docker desktop application.

Note - You can download the docker desktop application here.


First we install the kubectl package by Kubernetes to get access to the Kubernetes cli which we can use to manage the deployments. Use the below commands to install the kubectl.

For MacOS

brew install kubectl

For Windows

curl.exe -LO "https://dl.k8s.io/release/v1.26.0/bin/windows/amd64/kubectl.exe"

you can refer to the kubectl installation guide here.

Now we install minikube which will give us an local environment to deploy our app and db.

brew install minikube


we will create the following yaml files -

  • secrets.yaml
  • mongo-config.yaml
  • mongo-app.yaml
  • web-app.yaml

we are using mongo as the DB image & mongo-express as our application for this demo.


Start the minikube environment -

minikube start

Apply the configs & deploy -

kubectl get pod
kubectl apply -f mongo-config.yaml
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f mongo-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f web-app.yaml
kubectl get pod

Get the details of the pods, services, secrets, ip & node -

kubectl get configmap
kubectl get secret
kubectl get svc
minikube ip
kubectl get node -o wide

the minikube ip command will only give you the IP, for accessing the application we have to start the service -

minikube service webapp-service

we have successfully deployed the application.

After we are done we can delete the deployements using the following commands.

kubectl delete deployment --all
kubectl delete secret --all

Thank You.