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We have learned Object-oriented programming and how class and inheritance work in JavaScript. Now lets work with our smart phones, applying all of the concepts we have just learned.

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Practice OOPs Features

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git add .
git commit -m "ProGrad ID"
git push origin master

And finally, create a pull request so your ProGrad Mentor (PM) can review your work.


We must write the correct code in the script.js file. In this file you will find the following starter code:

class SmartPhone{


class AndroidPhone extends SmartPhone{


class IPhone extends SmartPhone{


class MobileCampus{


In this case, it says that SmartPhone class should receive 3 arguments(ram, batteryPower, price), so we have to write the correct code. Let's make the SmartPhone class receive 3 arguments:

class SmartPhone{
constructor(ram, batteryPower, price){}


AndroidPhone class should extend the SmartPhone and should receive 4 arguments(modelName, ram, batteryPower, price), so we have to write the correct code. Let's make the AndroidPhone class receive 4 arguments:

class AndroidPhone extends SmartPhone {
    constructor(modelName, ram, batteryPower, price) {}

IPhone class should extend the SmartPhone and should receive 4 arguments(seriesName, ram, batteryPower, price), so we have to write the correct code. Let's make the IPhone class receive 4 arguments:

class IPhone extends SmartPhone {
    constructor(seriesName, ram, batteryPower, price) {}

The final class is called MobileCampus which should receive 3 arguments(NoOfMobiles, NoOfAndroidMobiles, NoOfIPhoneMobiles), so we have to write the correct code. Let's make the MobileCampus class receive 3 arguments:

class MobileCampus{
    constructor(NoOfMobiles, NoOfAndroidMobiles, NoOfIPhoneMobiles){}

Progression 1: SMART PHONE

Modify the SmartPhone class and add two methods to it: displayFeatures(), and remainingAmount(priceIHave).


  • should receive three arguments ram, batteryPower, price.
  • should receive ram as first argument.
  • should receive batteryPower as second argument.
  • should receive price as third argument.


  • should be a method.
  • should receive 0 arguments.
  • should display the features of the smartphone as given below.
    return this.ram +'\n'+this.batteryPower+'\n'+this.price;


  • should be a method.
  • should have 1 arguments.
  • the argument name should be mentioned as priceIHave
  • should calculate the remaining amount the customer has.
 this.price = this.price - priceIHave;

Progression 2: ANDRIOD PHONE

AndroidPhone class should extend the SmartPhone class and add two methods to it: displayFeatures(), and remainingAmount(priceIHave).


  • should receive four arguments modelName, ram, batteryPower, price.
  • should receive modelName as first argument.
  • should receive ram as second argument.
  • should receive batteryPower as third argument.
  • shoud receive price as the fourth argument
  • ram, batteryPower and price should be invoked from SmartPhone class. To invoke the parent class constructor you should use super keyword.
  constructor(modelName, ram, batteryPower, price) {
        super(ram, batteryPower, price)
        this.modelName = modelName;


  • should be a method.
  • should receive 0 arguments.
  • should display the features of the smartphone as given below.
    return this.modelName +'\n' + this.ram +'\n'+ this.batteryPower +'\n'+ this.price;


  • should be a method.
  • should have 1 arguments.
  • the argument name should be mentioned as priceIHave
  • should calculate the remaining amount the customer has.
  • if the calculated price is less than or equal to zero, return Customer has no more amount.
  • else return the remaining amount after buying the android phone.
return 'Customer has remaining Rs.'+this.price +' after buying the android phone';

Progression 3: IPHONE

IPhone class should extend the SmartPhone class and add two methods to it: displayFeatures(), and remainingAmount(priceIHave).


  • should receive four arguments seriesName, ram, batteryPower, price.
  • should receive seriesName as first argument.
  • should receive ram as second argument.
  • should receive batteryPower as third argument.
  • shoud receive price as the fourth argument
  • ram, batteryPower and price should be invoked from SmartPhone class. To invoke the parent class constructor you should use super keyword.
  constructor(seriesName, ram, batteryPower, price) {
        super(ram, batteryPower, price)
        this.seriesName = seriesName;


  • should be a method.
  • should receive 0 arguments.
  • should display the features of the smartphone as given below.
   return this.seriesName +'\n' + this.ram +'\n'+ this.batteryPower +'\n'+ this.price;


  • should be a method.
  • should have 1 arguments.
  • the argument name should be mentioned as priceIHave.
  • should calculate the remaining amount the customer has.
  • if the calculated price is less than or equal to zero, return Customer has no more amount.
  • else return the remaining amount after buying the android phone.
return 'Customer has remaining Rs.'+this.price +' after buying the Iphone';
  • else if the amount is less than the Iphone price, then return
return "Customer can't able to buy a phone due to insufficient amount";

Progression 4: MOBILE CAMPUS

Create a class called Mobile Campus and a method to it: changeMobileAvailabilityNumber(count,type)


  • should receive three arguments NoOfMobiles, NoOfAndroidMobiles, NoOfIPhoneMobiles.
  • should have NoOfMobiles as first argument.
  • should have NoOfAndroidMobiles as second argument.
  • should have NoOfIPhoneMobiles as third argument.


  • should be a method.
  • should have 2 arguments.
  • the first argument name should be count.
  • the second argument name should be type.
  • based on the type of mobile phone calculate the availability of Android Phone and IPhone and return the count.
     if(type === 'android'){
            this.NoOfAndroidMobiles = this.NoOfAndroidMobiles - count;
            return 'Available android mobiles are '+this.NoOfAndroidMobiles;

        if(type === 'iphone'){
            this.NoOfIPhoneMobiles = this.NoOfIPhoneMobiles - count;
            return 'Available iphone mobiles are '+this.NoOfIPhoneMobiles;

Happy Coding ProGrads❤️