Welcome to Cartoon E-commerce, an innovative web application that combines the convenience of online shopping with personalized product recommendations using collaborative filtering. This project features a user-friendly frontend powered by React and Material UI, while the backend leverages Express.js, MongoDB, and Flask for a seamless experience. Vendors can also manage their products and sales through the dedicated vendor functionalities.
User Frontend:
- www.cartoon.com
- User registration and login using JWT and session management
- Cart, checkout, and order tracking functionalities
- Google Auth integration for signup and sign-in
Vendor Functionalities:
- www.sellatcartoon.com
- Vendor registration and login using Google Auth
- Vendor dashboard for managing products, orders, and sales performance
- Product management: add, edit, and update product state (in transit, out for delivery, delivered)
- Scheduling with a calendar for efficient order handling
- API logic at api.cartoon.com
- Express.js for routing, controllers, and MongoDB schema for efficient data management
- Razorpay API integration for secure payment transactions
- User authentication and password encryption using bcrypt.js
- Google Auth for both user and vendor sign-up/sign-in
Recommendation System:
- Collaborative filtering-based recommendation system
- ML model trained on more than 11 lakh user ratings
- Flask API in ml.api folder to integrate the trained model with the front-end for personalized product recommendations
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/Aayush-Joshi-01/Cartoon-ecommerce.git
Install Dependencies:
cd Cartoon-ecommerce cd www.cartoon.com npm install # Install frontend dependencies cd .. cd www.sellatcaroon.com npm install # Install backend dependencies
Database Setup:
- Configure MongoDB connection in the backend (controllers/routes/models).
Run the Application:
# Start frontend cd Cartoon-ecommerce cd www.cartoon.com npm start # Start backend cd Cartoon-ecommerce cd www.sellatcaroon.com npm start
Meet the creators behind Cartoon:
Aayush Joshi
- Role: Project Management, Documentation and Machine Learning Engineer
- GitHub: @Aayush-Joshi-01
Rudraksh Kumrawat
- Role: Frontend Developer
- GitHub: @rudrakshk-101
Jatin Sahijwani
- Role: Backend and Middleware Developer
- GitHub: @jatinsahijwani
Anirudh Singh Chouhan
- Role: UI/UX Designer
- GitHub: @AnirudhSingh07
Vishakha Sehgal
- Role: Machine Learning Engineer and Tester
- GitHub: @wetech22
Feel free to contribute to the project by forking the repository and submitting pull requests. Please adhere to the project's coding standards and guidelines.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.