
Swift Library for Induced.ai, made for personal use, feel free to use it on your project.

Primary LanguageSwift


The InducedKit Swift package provides a comprehensive SDK for interacting with the Induced AI API, facilitating the management of browser sessions and automating tasks using natural language processing. This package enables developers to seamlessly integrate Induced AI's capabilities into their Swift applications.

Key Features

  • Autonomous Browsing API integration
  • Task extraction and management
  • Support for macOS and iOS platforms

Getting Started


  • Swift 5.3 or later
  • Xcode 12.0 or later
  • An API key from Induced AI


Add InducedKit to your project using Swift Package Manager:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/Aayush9029/InducedKit.git", from: "1.0.0")


Import InducedKit in your Swift files and initialize the main classes with your API key:

import InducedKit

let inducedVM = InducedVM(apiKey: "your_api_key_here")


For detailed API usage and endpoint information, visit the Induced Docs homepage.