
Small utility scripts

Primary LanguagePython


Small utility scripts

  1. Reading_recursive_images.py:read all images in all subfolders from base directory
  2. Darknet Utility scripts:
    1. create_neg.py:load multiple images and create txt file for each of them
    2. create_train.py:collect txt files from folder and write x% of files to train.txt and rest(1-x)% to valid.txts.
    3. dataset_info.py:Get darknet dataset information class wise
    4. get_class_and_move.py:Check for perticualr class in txt files.If present then move to another folder
    5. load_n_crop.py:load txt file and extract/crop images of particular class
    6. move_image.py:Move n number of images with txt files from one folder to another
    7. read_and_replace_txt.py:load txt files and replace first charater to 0
    8. remove_txt.py:remove txt files that are empty
    9. rename_and_move.py:File to rename files with uuid and copy into another folder
    10. rotate_image.py:rotate image and rotate coordinates
  3. Remove mask:check files in train remove files from annotation if file not present in images
  4. Readimage_createcsv.py: read image from folder, create csv file with imagename and label(folder name)