
Parallel implementation of genetic algorithm for image processing

Primary LanguageC++

Parallel Programming project

Parallel implementation of a genetic algorithm for the reconstruction of an image using the minimal possible amount of polygons. Check our report for more details about the implementation and results.


To compile, be sure to have the following dependencies:

  • CMake >= 2.8
  • OpenCV >= 3.0.0
  • Either:
    • GNU C++ Compiler + OpenMPI
    • Intel C++ Compiler + Intel MPI

To compile, use the standard CMake commands. In the root directory of the repository:

mkdir -p {build,output}
cd build && rm -rf *
cmake ..
make -j4 && cd ..


To run the algorithm, it can be done either with mpirun or without it. If only 1 process is specified, the program still runs, disabling any parallel code.

export P=<number of processes>
export INPUT_IMAGE=<path to input file>
export OUTPUT_IMAGE=<path to output file>
export EPOCHS=<expected number of epochs>
mpirun -np $P ./ParallelGenetic -e $EPOCHS -i $INPUT_IMAGE -o $OUTPUT_IMAGE 

For the program to work as expected, the output directory must exist.
