
iOS audio route change events and more for Cordova

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This plugin works on iOS only.

This plugin allows applications to get notified audio about route changes (for example when a headset is connected), and also to query and override the audio device in use.


The plugin can be installed using the Cordova CLI tool:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-audioroute --save


All these functions are available in the cordova.plugins.audioroute namespace.

currentOutputs(successCallback, errorCallback)

Get an Array of the currently connected audio ports. The possible elements are:

  • line-out
  • headphones
  • bluetooth-a2dp
  • builtin-receiver
  • builtin-speaker
  • hdmi
  • airplay
  • bluetooth-le
  • unknown

overrideOutput(output, successCallback, errorCallback)

Overrides the audio output device. output must be one of default or speaker.

"audioroute-changed" event

When the audio route has changed a 'audioroute-changed' event will be fired in document. It contains the reason as associated data, which can be one of:

  • unknown
  • new-device-available
  • old-device-unavailable
  • category-change
  • override
  • wake-from-sleep
  • no-suitable-route-for-category
  • route-config-change


                          function(event) {
                              console.log('Audio route changed: ' + event.reason);




Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saghul@gmail.com

This work has been sponsored by AG Projects.