
Java cheatsheet for the most commonly used data structures on leetcode

Insipration: https://leetcode.com/discuss/study-guide/1170715/java-data-structure-mostly-used-syntax

Read it in the wiki for better readability



Collection interface

List interface

ArrayList Implementation

Definition list of Integers

List<Integers> arrList = new ArrayList<>();

Insert an element

arrList.add(i, num);

Delete an element at index i

int removed = arrList.remove(i);

Set or update an element at index i

int previousElementAtI = arrList.set(i, num);

Get an element at index i

int num = arrList.get(i);

Get the size of the list

int size = arrList.size();

Check for Empty

boolean bool = arrList.isEmpty();

Check if there is an element

boolean bool = arrList.contains(num);

Get the index of a certain value 'num'

int i = arrList.indexOf(num);

Cast to a primitive list, i.e. ArrayList -> int[]

int[] primArr = arrList.toArray();


Collections.sort(arrList, (a, b) -> a-b); // Ascending
Collections.sort(arrList, (a, b) -> b-a); // Descending

Set interface

HashSet implementation


Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();

Insert an element num, return true if the set not already contain num

boolean setDoesNotContainNum = set.add(num);

Delete an element num, return true if num was in set

boolean WasInSet = set.remove(num);

Check for an element num

boolean contains = set.contains(num);

Get the size of the set

int size = set.size();

Check for Empty

boolean isEmpty = set.isEmpty();

Remove all map values


Map Interface

HashMap implementation


Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<>();

Insert / update an element with key k1 with value v1, return the previous element, if present, or null if not present

T previousElement = map.put(k1, v1);

Create a counter for letters in a string

Map<Character, Integer> freq = new HashMap<>();
for(char c: str.toCharArray()){
    freq.put(c, freq.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);

Delete an element with key k1

D deletedEl =  map.remove(k1);

Get an element with key k1

V el = map.get(k1);

Get the size of the map

int size = map.size();

Check for Empty

boolean isEmpty = map.isEmpty();

Check if there is a value with key k1

boolean contains = map.containsKey(k1);

Remove all map values


In graph problem, when building adjacecy list from an edge List

Map<Integer, List<Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>();
for(int[] edge: edgeList){
    graph.computeIfAbsent(edge[0], val -> new ArrayList<>()).add(edge[1]);

Queue Interface

LinkedList implementation (deque)


Queue<Integers> queue = new LinkedList<>();

Insert an element


Delete element (the head), and returns it, it returns null if the queue is empty

E head = queue.poll();

Retrieve but does not remove the head of the queue

E head = queue.peek();

Get the size of the list

int size = queue.size();

Check for Empty

boolean isEmpty = queue.isEmpty();
PriorityQueue implementation (priority queue / heap)


Queue<Integers> heap = new PiorityQueue<>();

Insert an element


Delete element (the head)

E head = heap.poll();

Retrieve but not remove the head of the priority queue

E head = heap.peek();

Get the size of the list

int size = heap.size();

Check for Empty

boolean isEmpty = heap.isEmpty();

Deque Interface

ArrayDeque implementation (stack)


Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();

Insert an element

boolean changed = stack.add(num); // it returns true if this collection is changed
boolean changed = stack.addLast(num); // it returns true if this collections is changed

Delete element (the last)

E lastElement = stack.pop();

Retrieve the last element but does not remove it

E lastElement = stack.peekLast();

Get the size of the list

int size = stack.size();

Check for Empty

boolean isEmpty = stack.isEmpty();
ArrayDeque implementation (deque)


Deque<Integer> deque = new ArrayDeque<>(); // preferred

Insert an element

boolean changed = stack.add(num);
boolean changed = stack.addFirst(num);

Delete the first element

E firstElement = stack.poll();
E firstElement = stack.pollFirst();

Retrieve but not remove the first element

E firstElement = stack.peekFirst();
E firstElement = stack.peek();

Get the size of the list

int size = stack.size();

Check for Empty

boolean isEmpty = stack.isEmpty();

String and Character



String str = new String();

Check the size

int size = str.size();

Convert to char array

char arrChar[] = str.toCharArray();

Char for a specific index i

char c = str.charAt(i);


String sub = str.substring(i, j) // i inclusive, j exclusive

To lowercase

String newString = str.toLowerCase(); // str is invariated

To uppercase

String newString = str.toUpperCase(); // str is invariated

Replace all occurence of 'dog' with 'cat'

String newString = str.replaceAll('dog', 'cat'); //str is invariated


String a = "Hello ";
String b = " world";
a += b; // Hello world;



StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n); // with capacity of int n

Add something to the stringbuilder, char, Character, int, Integer etc..., it returns a reference to the stringbuilder itself

sb.append("hello"); // "hello"
sb.append(4); // "hello4"

Return the string

String str = sb.toString();


Check if character c is a letter

boolean isLetter = Character.isLetter(c);

Check if character c is alphabetic

boolean isAlphabetic = Character.isAlphabetic(c); // i.e. 'V' as roman number is alphabetic but it is not letter

Check if character c is uppercase

boolean isUpperCase = Character.isUpperCase(c);

Check if character c is lowercase

boolean isLowerCase = Character.isLowerCase(c);

Check if character c is digit

boolean isDigit = Character.isDigit(c);

Change case without built-in functions

char cLower = (char)(c | ' '); // change the c char to lowercase
char cUpper = (char)(c & '_'); // change the c char to uppercase



Definition array of int of size n

int arr[] = new int[n];

Insert or update an element at index i

arr[i] = v1

Get an element at index i

int num = arr[i];

Get the size of the array

int size = arr.length;

Fill the entire array with a value v1

Arrays.fill(arr, v1);

Cast to a List, i.e. int[] -> ArrayList

List<T> arrList = Arrays.asList(arr);


Arrays.sort(arr; // Ascending
Arrays.sort(arr, (a, b) -> b-a); // Descending
Arrays.sort(arr2D, (a, b) -> a[0]-b[0]) //sort 2d array by the first element only
Arrays.sort(arr2D, (a, b) -> {
    if(a[0] == b[0]) return b[1]-a[1];
    return a[0]-b[0];
}); //sort 2d array by the first element and by the second reverse element (usefull for intervals)