
Abban's Docker setup for various projects

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Abban's Docker setup for various projects.



A handy trick for Docker that I learned from here. The basic installation I use is:

$ brew install dnsmasq
$ sudo echo 'address=/.knack/' >> /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver
$ echo 'nameserver' | sudo tee /etc/resolver/knack
$ sudo brew services restart dnsmasq

This will automatically point all blah.knack domains to your localhost which are then picked up through the nginx-proxy Docker service and mapped to the specified containers. This means you can access your containers through custom vhost names rather than http://localhost:[PORT]. It also allows easier external database connections into your containers. Eg: for my php setup you can connect Sequel Pro through http://db.my-project.knack.