
Repo for powering the recipes on http://paleorecipes.io

Paleo Recipes

This repo is used to power the recipes listed on http://paleorecipes.io

Considering how long we geeks sit behind a desk it is important to eat right. What better way to spread around good recipes than letting us geeks contribute our own through Git!

Adding a Recipe

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Copy the template file __YYY-MM-DD-recipe-template.md and replace the date and slug appropriately
  3. Open your new recipe file and fill it in and note the contributor should be your GitHub name to appear
  4. Submit a Pull Request and I will review it for correctness of format
  5. Once its merged the recipe will automatically publish to http://paleorecipes.io for all to enjoy


The <!--more--> comment acts as a separator so that on listings and the RSS feed only the intro will show first.