This app can be implemented in restaurant for easier management and keeping track of all the orders.
The prerequisites of this project are:
- LAN Wifi (can also work without Internet)
- Java 1.7.0_02 (The newer version does'nt work properly so make sure you get this one :) )
To run this project you have to do just 2 steps.
- Open inside :virtualW\app\src\main\java\com\lakj\comspace\simpletextclient change the 211th line of code i.e.client = new Socket("", 4444); to the ip adress of your system. to get the ip adress- 1)Run CMD , write ipconfig hit enter. 2)Now, note down the ipv4 adress under Wireless LAN adapter WIFI.. 3)Put that IP in place of ""
- Open cmd , write : setpath ="//the path of 1.7 java wherever you have installed it"
- now compile the file under server and run it :)