
Implementations of k-shortest-path algorithms used in some research projects.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

k Shortest Paths


A reimplementation of the code used for my research papers about parallel k shortest paths algorithms.

This includes:

  • Data structures for
    • directed and undirected graphs
    • Shortest path trees
  • Shortest path algorithms
    • Dijkstra (with early stopping)
    • DeltaStepping (without bucket hierarchy, but with early stopping)
  • k shortest paths algorithms
    • Yens algorithm
    • Fengs algorithm
    • some mixed variants with additional heuristics described in my PhD thesis.
  • Generators for testing
    • G(n,p)
    • Grid
  • Tools
    • Parser for some file formats (Metis, edgelist)

This repository also includes data from the experiments described in my PhD thesis. The data can be found in experiments/data and needs to be decompressed (about 575 MB decompressed) in respective folders. Then the Jupyter Notebook files in experiments/evaluation can be used to regenerate the the plots from the thesis.


We use cmake and gcc 10.3 to build the code. For easy usage there is build script.

./build.sh <target> [<numKSPthreads>] [<numDSthreads>]

<target> is one of the following executables

  • AllTests: runs all tests using gtest.
  • convert: converts graph files.
  • generate: generates graphs as metis files.
  • SingleThreadPerformance: runs single thread performance experiments (mostly for quick testing).
  • PerformanceMeasurements: runs performance experiments. Uses [] and [] to run on a set number of threads.
  • CollectStatisticalData: collects statistics about a k-shortest-path run. (path length, number of hops, size of shortest path sub trees, etc). This program does not measure runtime and runs only in a single thread to get the order of the data right.

The script creates a build folder named build-release. There all executables can be found.


All executables have a CLI interface. Just run it the -h option or no option at all to get the help page printed out. Results of the experiments are printed to std::out while other information during runtime (if any) is printed to std::err. The output should be redirected into a file.

In order to run the tests, you first need to generate some graphs to run the tests on. The script run-all-tests.sh compiles the graph generator and tests, generates all graphs at the correct location (takes about 70 MB of disk space) and executes all tests.

Open Source code used

  • CLI11 (single header version)
  • Google Benchmark (git submodule)
  • Google Test (git submodule)


Please cite my PhD thesis when using this code in your reaserch project.

TODO Bibtex

You can refer to this repository directly using the doi

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7713239
