
this is a simple persistent key-value store demonstrating basics of c and systems programming.

the full list of commands which the kv store supports are:

  • put: the format is p,key,value, where key is an integer, and value an arbitrary string (without commas in it).
  • get: the format is g,key, where key is an integer. if the key is present, the system should print out the key, followed by a comma, followed by the value, followed by a newline (\n). if not present, print an error message on a line by itself, of the form k not found where k is the actual value of the key, i.e., some integer.
  • delete: the format is d,key, which either deletes the relevant key-value pair (and prints nothing), or fails to do so (and prints k not found where k is the actual value of the key, i.e., some integer).
  • clear: the format is c. this command simply removes all key-value pairs from the database.
  • all: the format is a. this command prints out all key-value pairs in the database, in any order, with one key-value pair per line, each key and value separated by a comma.


prompt> ./kv 
prompt> ./kv p,10,remzi
prompt> ./kv p,20,andrea p,40,someotherperson