
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple demo of using Redis with Node.js and Express.js.

Getting started

Installing Node.js

If you don't have Node.js installed on your machine you can download it from Here.

Installing Redis

If you don't have Redis installed on your machine you can download it from Here for macOS and Linux

OR from Here for Windows.

clone this repository by running the following line in your Terminal.

git clone https://github.com/AbdHussein/Node-Redis.git

move to the repository folder by running the following command.

cd Node-Redis

To install the required packages

npm install

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app on your local machine.
Open http://localhost:5000/repos/{anyGitHubAccount} to see How many public repositories does this account have.
You can Start by my account which is AbdHussein or by opening this URL http://localhost:5000/repos/AbdHussein.