
Tarbiyyah: A Reference on Raising children upon the teachings of Islam

Tarbiyyah: A Reference on Raising children upon the teachings of Islam

What is Tarbiyyah?

The word “Tarbiyyah” is an Arabic word that linguistically means the increase, growth, and loftiness. Conventionally, Tarbiya means the development and the training of people in various aspects. The word is commonly used to describe children upbringing as the parents provide them with physical, educational, moral and spiritual needs to help them grow up and become useful parties in the society.

Importance of Tarbiyyah

It's important to know that our children are an amanah from Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala. The best gift we can give our Muslim children is a proper upbringing. But as parents we can all agree that parenting can be confusing and daunting as babies do not come with an instruction manual. On top, each child is different making our job as parents even more harder. Parenting really is the hardest job ever. So what effective Islamic parenting approach can parents follow to upbring children who can be successful in this world and next?

Below are recommeded resources on how best to raise your kids. But before that, let's take a sneek peek at some of the key responsibilities of Parents in Islaam.

Key Responsibilities of Parents

After mentioning what tarbiyyah means and the importance of raising kids upon Islaam. It's also quite important to list out some of the parents' responsibilities. It's upon the parents to:

  • Seek Righteous Children from Allaah
  • Be a good example for them
  • Place Huge Importance Upon The Deen
  • Show Love & Kindness Towards The Children
  • Teach Them Good Character
  • Exercise Justice With Regard To The Children
  • Spend Upon The Children


Below are some curated resourses on Child Upbringing. May ALlaah make it beneficial.

Dr Sharafudeen Raji Gbadebo [YORUBA]

Al Madrasatul Umariyyah [English]