
2D Polygon Triangulation using C#

Primary LanguageC#

Part I: Explanation

First of all, I included comments explaining almost every step inside the code for the Triangulation process. You can read the comments inside the code instead of reading the points below and go to the test cases & resources in Part II & Part III. (Note: If there is anything not explained well in Part I you can find more mathematical explanations as a resource in Part III)

  1. The code starts by reading the input from “polygonLines.txt”.

  2. Convert input from string to float so we can perform our calculation on the input.

  3. From the input (Line Length & Line Angle) we create the Polygon vertices and save it on (List points) using simple math calculation, the starting point will be the center of the bitmap image that we will create it later and then close the Polygon by adding the first vertex as last item on points list if the Polygon is not already closed.

  4. Start drawing the original Polygon using the function DrawLines () by giving it the points list after convert it to array of PointF and save it to desktop with name “OriginalPolygon.png”. After the Triangulation process ends we save the triangles to the desktop (note: this is an optional step so you can comment the code if you don’t want it), and save the Triangulated Polygon to the desktop with the name “TriangulatedPolygon.png”.

  5. Start the Triangulation process by creating an instance of Polygon and give it the list of Polygon vertices then start the Triangulation by calling Triangulate () function.

  6. After calling the Triangulate () function we need to start Ear Clipping algorithm to triangulate our polygon. First of all, we need to make sure the polygon is clockwise oriented by calling the OrientClockwise () function that Calculates the area of our Polygon and finds if it's (< 0) which means our points move counterclockwise and we have to reverse our points.

  7. Now we need to make sure our Polygon is not a triangle so at any time we have a triangle after the ear clipping process we add it to our list of List triangles and end the algorithm. If we don’t have a triangle (i.e. more than three vertices) we will call FindAndRemoveEar ().

  8. That function will send the first three vertices to function FindEar () and if the function founds an ear will return a non-null value and we will add the ear to our list List triangles and remove the convex vertex from the list of points.

  9. FindEar () will make a for loop looking for an ear sending every iteration three vertices to the CheckEar () function and that function will make sure this potential ear: a) Does not have concave vertex by calling GetAngle () function. b) There is no point inside our potential ear by calling PointInsidePolygon () function.

  10. GetAngle () calculate angle based on the rule (tan (theta) = cross product/dot product), cross product and dot product for vectors (p1p0, p1p2) and PointInsidePolygon () will check if there is point lies inside the polygon.

Part II: Test Cases

  1. Rectangle Move Clockwise (from Candidate Challenge document):

    Input: 4 70 0 40 -90 70 -90 40 -90


  2. Rectangle Move Counterclockwise (from Candidate Challenge document):

    Input: 4 40 90 70 90 40 90 70 90


  3. Equilateral Triangle:

    Input: 3 60 0 60 120 60 120


  4. Pentagon:

    Input: 5 60 108 60 -72 60 -72 60 -72 60 -72


  5. Trapezoid:

    Input: 4 160 0 50 126.869897646 100 53.1301023542 50 53.1301023542


  6. Non-simple shape:

Input: (note: Just for testing purposes I entered this directly to our list of points, not as a .txt file!)

  1. In Program.cs we need to create a new array of PointF to hold our data: PointF [] tpoints = new PointF [] {new PointF (66.67f, 200.00f), new PointF (97.33f, 320.47f), new PointF (280.67f, 345.47f), new PointF (362.3f, 148.00f), new PointF (187.67f, 203.53f), new PointF (70.33f, 30.53f), new PointF (66.67f, 200.00f) };

  2. In line 83 let the DrawLines take input from the array above: graphics.DrawLines (new Pen (Color.Black, 1.0f), points.ToArray()); --> graphics.DrawLines(new Pen (Color.Black, 1.0f), tpoints);

  3. In Lines (77,100,112) change the Bitmap width and height to something big enough: new Bitmap(Convert.ToInt16(bitmapWidth), Convert.ToInt16(bitmapWidth)) à new Bitmap (1000, 1000)

  4. In Polygon.cs function Triangulate let: Points = new PointF [] {new PointF (66.67f, 200.00f), new PointF (97.33f, 320.47f), new PointF (280.67f, 345.47f), new PointF (362.3f, 148.00f), new PointF (187.67f, 203.53f), new PointF (70.33f, 30.53f), new PointF (66.67f, 200.00f) };(note: Without the last point as we said above in Part I we need only vertices)


  5. Non-simple shape (looks like [Figure 2] from Candidate Challenge document):

Input: (note: Just for testing purposes I entered this directly to our list of points, not as a .txt file!)

  1. In Program.cs we need to create a new array of PointF to hold our data: PointF[] tpoints = new PointF[] { new PointF(83.67f, 97.00f), new PointF(24.50f, 108.24f),new PointF(89.33f, 250.47f),new PointF(16.18f, 322.07f),new PointF(182.03f, 305.67f),new PointF(243.40f, 233.88f),new PointF(300.13f, 271.29f),new PointF(367.58f, 241.10f),new PointF(370.50f, 68.74f),new PointF(316.33f, 119.00f),new PointF(268.67f, 70.53f),new PointF(162.50f, 97.03f),new PointF(104.33f, 145.53f),new PointF(83.67f, 97.00f)};
  2. In line 83 let the DrawLines take input from the array above: graphics.DrawLines (new Pen (Color.Black, 1.0f), points.ToArray()); --> graphics.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Black, 1.0f), tpoints);
  3. In Lines 77,100,112 change the Bitmap width and height to something big enough: new Bitmap(Convert.ToInt16(bitmapWidth), Convert.ToInt16(bitmapWidth)) à new Bitmap (1000, 1000)
  4. In Polygon.cs function Triangulate let:

Points = new PointF[] { new PointF(83.67f, 97.00f), new PointF(24.50f, 108.24f),new PointF(89.33f, 250.47f),new PointF(16.18f, 322.07f),new PointF(182.03f, 305.67f),new PointF(243.40f, 233.88f),new PointF(300.13f, 271.29f),new PointF(367.58f, 241.10f),new PointF(370.50f, 68.74f),new PointF(316.33f, 119.00f),new PointF(268.67f, 70.53f),new PointF(162.50f, 97.03f),new PointF(104.33f, 145.53f),new PointF(83.67f, 97.00f)}; (note: Without the last point as we said above in Part I we need only vertices)


Part III: Resources

  1. Calculate area of Irregular Polygons using vertices (Part I point#6)

  2. Ear Cutting for Simple Polygons by Ian Garton

  3. Triangulation by Ear Clipping by David Eberly

  4. Online tool for Concave Polygon

  5. Finding angle using cross product and dot product (Part I point#10)

  6. C# Helper by Rod Stephens

  7. How to find a point inside a polygon (Part I point#10)

  8. Amazing tool to draw polygon online (Part II Case#6 & Case#7)