
This my New app I Use the GitHub API - No authentication needed(Follower & User info endpoint)

Primary LanguageSwift


This my New app I Use the GitHub API - No authentication needed(Follower & User info endpoint)

  • Use the GitHub API - No authentication needed
  • When showing more information about a user, what information you display is up to you. If you were creating this product, what information do you think users want to see?
  • Project Organization & Architecture
  • Planning our Network Calls - API, JSON, Model
  • Initial Project Setup - No Storyboard All screen UI (Programmatic)
  • app support light mode and dark mode
  • Create Reusable Custom Alert & UIButton & UITextField
  • UICollectionView - Diffable Data Source new iOS13
  • ARC, Memory Leaks
  • Downloading & Caching Image
  • Persistence Manager used (user default)
  • and many tools used
  • Search Functionality

screenShots about the run app

Search Functionality by used UICollectionView - Diffable Data Source new iOS13

ezgif com-gif-maker

loadaing animation more user by used UICollectionView - Diffable Data Source new iOS13

ezgif com-gif-maker (1)

Custom Alert empty text

when the user doesn't have any followers

favorite tabelview used Persistence Manager used (user default)

add in Persistence Manager used (user default) in favorite tabelview

when didselect any item present inforamtion about user