Deploying Kubeless functions using kubernetes cli
For other operating systems:
sudo mv bundles/kubeless_darwin-amd64/kubeless /usr/local/bin
rm -r bundles/
kubectl create ns kubeless
kubectl apply -f
kubeless function deploy node_function --runtime nodejs6
--dependencies examples/nodejs/package.json \
--from-file examples/nodejs/node_function.js \
--handler test.node_function
module.exports = {
node_function: function (event, context) {
return "Hello from node_function!";
kubeless function deploy python_function --runtime python2.7 \
--from-file examples/python/ \
--handler test.python_function
def python_function(event, context):
print event
return 'Hello from python_function: ' + event
kubeless function ls
kubeless function call node_function --data 'sample data that pass to node_function'
kubeless function call py_function --data 'sample data to pass to the py_function'
Expose node_function over a dns subdomain. (if you are in aws you need to create a subdomain in Hosted zones). "node_function" is the subdomain
kubectl apply -f elb-nginx-ingress-controller.yml
kubeless trigger http create myfunction --function-name node_function --hostname node_function.{dns}
A Kubeless Trigger represents an event source that functions can be associated with. When an event occurs in the event source, Kubeless will ensure that the associated functions are invoked. Kafka-trigger addon to Kubeless adds support for a Kafka streaming platform as a trigger to Kubeless.
export RELEASE=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)
kubectl create -f$RELEASE/kafka-zookeeper-$RELEASE.yaml
kubeless function deploy to_celsius_function --runtime nodejs6 \
--dependencies examples/node/package.json \
--handler test.to_celsius_function \
--from-file examples/nodejs/to_celsius_function.js
module.exports = {
to_celsius_function: function (event, context) {
var fahrenheit = parseInt(event['data'], 10);
var celsius = (5/9) * (fahrenheit-32);
return celsius;
A Kafka topic can be associated with one or more Kubeless functions. Kubeless functions associated with a topic are triggered as, and when, messages get published to the topic.
kubeless trigger kafka create test --function-selector created-by=kubeless,function=to_celsius_function --trigger-topic to_celsius_function
kubeless topic publish --topic to_celsius_function --data "40"
Please refer to the documentation on how to use the Kafka trigger with Kubeless.