
Nesting CSS selectors natively using PostCSS as an experiment for the draft of CSSWG

Primary LanguageHTML

Group 87


When writing HTML you've probably noticed that it has a clear nested and visual hierarchy. CSS, on the other hand, doesn't SO FAR

If you're not familiar with CSS preprocessors (scripting languages that extend the default capabilities of CSS) like Sass, Less, Stylus, and more. these preprocessors give you the ability to use variables, nest css selectors within selectors, and much more

For a long time, a big reason to use preprocessors like Sass was that it has the ability to use variables but now css has variables too just as that css will soon have nesting as well

Nesting CSS selectors natively in the CSSWG draft and is not available in browsers yet but we will see how to use it today using PostCSS with Vite, check it out from here in Hashnode