
A website for the real estate company Estatein. Built using Shadcn ui component, with React, TypeScript, React Router, Tanstack Query, React Hook Form and Zod

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Where In The World logo that is an image of globe



A website for the real estate company Estatein. Featuring information about it like there journey, achievements, clients and more and there properties.

Screen shot of the Where In The World app on desktop screen size

Design on figma by Produce-ui

Built With


This project uses Estatein Backend API for:

  • Getting properties data.
  • Subscribing to the news letter.
  • Sending inquires.

For more information check out Estatein Backend API

Live Demo

You can view a live demo hosted on Vercel:


Note: The backend API is hosted on Render on the free instance, The service is great but unfortunately it spin down with inactivity, which can delay the first request. Sorry for that 😔.

Running Locally

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Abdalrhman-Almarakeby/estatein-frontend.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd estatein-frontend
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the local development server:
npm run dev
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


Github: Abdalrhman Almarakeby

Linkedin :Abdalrhman Almarakeby

Email: almarakeby.work@gmail.com