

In order to install all the project dependencies, please make sure to run composer install. This project was made with a simple laravel valet installation using PHP 8.0.

To install and compile frontend assets npm isntall && npm run build


Tests can be executed by running the following command php artisan test

Clearing expired jobs

Expired jobs can be cleared by calling php artisan urls:clear. However, in case you want to change the expiry days, it is configurable and can get done from config/services.


  • Long URL shortening.
  • Registered users can find all their shortened urls.
  • Destination views counter.
  • Internal access filtering.
  • Prevention measure to avoid potential malicious links.
  • Clearing urls that did not get visited in the last 30 days.


Dashboard New Url Tests

What could be done better

  • Pagination.
  • Success messages.
  • Tracking views to distinguish between unique and repetitive ones.

Final word

Thank you for giving me the chance to apply to this position.