Before you begin using Mahalli, ensure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. You can download and install them from the official Node.js website (
Tauri is the framework used to build Mahalli. Here are the additional requirements for running Tauri applications:
check : tauri prerequisites
- Clone the Mahalli repository from GitHub.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of the Mahalli project.
- Install the project dependencies by running:
npm install
- Start the development server to run Mahalli in development mode:
npm run tauri dev
This will launch Mahalli in your default desktop browser.
- Building Mahalli To create a standalone desktop application for distribution, use the following command:
npm run tauri build
This will generate an executable file in the target directory. The specific location and file name will depend on your operating system.
The project also includes a Makefile that defines various commands for managing the Tauri application. Here's a breakdown of some relevant commands:
- migrationsup: Runs database migrations to update the schema (use with caution in production).
- migrationslast: Reverts the most recent database migration.
- migrationsdown: Drops all tables and data, essentially resetting the database (use with extreme caution).
- entity: Generates the sea_orm entities from your database models.
- dev: Starts the development server.
- build: Builds a standalone desktop application.
- check: Runs static code checks on the Rust code.
- lint: Lints the JavaScript code for potential errors and style issues.
- migration: Generates a new database migration file:
make migration name=migration_name
- Note: These Makefile commands are typically used during development and may not be directly relevant for casual users of Mahalli.
We recommend referring to the Tauri documentation ( for a more comprehensive understanding of these commands and Tauri development in general.