Best Searching & Sorting Algorithms

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Searching Algorithms

Linear Searching Algorithm

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Binary Searching Algorithm

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Sorting Algorithms

Bubble Sort Algorithm

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Insertion Sort Algorithm

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Quick Sort Algorithm

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Hi, I'm Abdellah Elidrissi! 👋

Passionate developer and student with a diverse skill set that spans across various domains. From Web Development utilizing technologies like Core MVC, Node.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, to Android Development with expertise in Java and Flutter, I've ventured into Desktop Development using WinForms in C# and even dived into the world of Games Development, specializing in Unreal Engine. Additionally, I have a knack for 3D Design, leveraging tools like Blender to bring creative ideas to life.

I embarked on this journey in the world of programming at the age of 13, and my trajectory has been a fascinating evolution, starting from desktop applications to conquering the realms of Android, Games, and finally Web Development. Currently, I'm studying at ENSA MARRAKECH.

With a genuine love for programming, I find joy in turning concepts into functional and aesthetically pleasing applications. I'm excited to see what challenges and innovations lie ahead in this ever-evolving field.