
  • The E-Commerce Application is built using Java and Spring MVC, with security, scalability, and ease of maintenance. The backend uses Spring Data JPA to interact with a Postgres database, making it easy to manage and store important entities such as users, products, categories, orders, and more.


Used Technologies:

  • Spring (Data, Security, MVC etc)
  • JPA / Hibernate
  • PostgreSQL
  • Thymeleaf
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • JS, Swiper
  • Maven
  • SQL Query


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the project in your IDE: IntelliJ IDEA (recommended) or Eclipse
  3. Run PostgreSQL Scripts found in PSQL-Scripts
  4. Configure the database connection in application.properties file (check the Database section below for more info)
  5. Run the project (by running the main method in ECommerceApplication.java)
  6. Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser!
    • If you ran the users-roles.sqlscript on the database, you can log in with the following credentials as admin; otherwise you'll have to manually create an user in the database:
      • Email: admin@ecommerce.com
      • Password: pass123word
    • Or you can register a new user!


PostgreSQL is used as the database for this project. The database connection can be configured in the application.properties file, with the appropriate values for the following properties:

    db.url=jdbc:postgresql://[ip address of db]:[port of db]/ecommjava?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
    db.password=[password, if any]

MVC Implementation

  • Controller
    • Registration
    • HomePage
    • Category
    • Product
    • Cart
  • Model
    • Roles
    • Customer
    • Category
    • Product
    • Cart
    • CartItem

Database schema
