
This web app is a small task that enables users to follow others and view their content with a real-time notification system. Users can also view profiles containing posts and data.


In this Task I build

  • Backend
    • Django
    • Django Rest Framework
    • Djoser and Simple_Jwt (for refresh-token authentications)
  • Frontend
    • Next.Js
    • TypeScript
    • Redux
    • RTK Query
    • Tailwind CSS


  • Install Python >= 3.11 on your machine
  • install node.js >= 18 runtime in your local machine
  • I used sqlite3 as a main db to easily use the data I already added for the demo
  • open the backend dir in your cmd and run the next command
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  • then run the server using the next command
  python runserver
  • open a new terminal in your frontend folder
  • run the next command to install the required dependencies
  npm i
  • and then run the next command to run the frontend server
  npm run dev

The next video demonstrates how the notification system functions


and this one shows that when a user follows you, their posts appear in your home page
