library system console application

this Project is a practice on Object oriented programming using java

how to use

first you will need to insert the capacity of the library. in this program you will be able to do so many features. first : enter your name ....and thus you will be the first user in the library. As a user you will have several options :

  • ("1 for book insertion "); //insert a book to the library and all users can access book insertion

  • ("2 to borrow a book");//if the user wants to borrow a book

  • ("3 to return a book");if the user wants to return a book

  • ("4 for searching for a particular book");

  • ("5 to display certain book details like Title,Author,Number of copies ....etc");

  • ("6 to delete a copy of a book"); Note: all users can access copy deletion

  • ("7 to insert new user"); for adding new user to the library

  • ("8 to show the users");

  • ("9 to switch user");for switching between the users

for example : if we have 3 users ,tarek ,abbas and hatem. each one can borrow and return books. All we have to do is to switch to the user we want to use.

  • ("10 to show borrowed books of tha user") this will show the borrowed books of the current user
  • ("11 to show current user");this will display the name of the current user
  • ("12 to delete user");
  • ("-1 to exit the program");