
Algorithms Design Course Project for College

Primary LanguageJava

Algorithms Design Project


First Problem Second Problem
Ragab Hassan Samer Adel
Aya Mohamed Abdelrahman Salah
Omar Tarek

First Problem

Given a set of N jobs where each jobi has a deadline and profit associated with it. Each job takes 1 unit of time to complete and only one job can be scheduled at a time. We earn the profit associated with job if and only if the job is completed by its deadline. Find the number of jobs done and the maximum profit. Jobs will be given in the form (Jobid, Deadline, Profit) associated with that Job.


We apply Greedy Approach in this problem,

  1. Sort the jobs according to profit in descending order which is the third index in each tuple.
  2. Create an array of zeros.
  3. Reasignning every index by 1 if the time slot is free otherwise we do not assign the index.
  4. Iterate on every empty to job schedule and assign 1 to every empty job.
  5. Add its profit to latest profit if the job has already assigned to job slot otherwise we do not add its profit.
  6. Return max profit.

Fig.1 Shows an example of how jobs are assigned to slots

Second Problem

You are given a list of N jobs with their start time, end time, and the profit you can earn by doing that job. Your task is to find the maximum profit you can earn by picking up some (or all) jobs, ensuring no two jobs overlap. If you choose a job that ends at time X, you will be able to start another job that starts at time X.

Fig.2 Shows a visualization example for jobs starting time and ending time and their overlapping


We apply Dynamic Programmnig Approach in this problem,

  1. Sort the array by the start time in an ascending order.
  2. Create an array which will contain the max profit of each step and the previous ones.
  3. Create TreeMap that will take start time (Key) and index of that starting time (value) in the job array and store them in ascending order according to the value of key.
  4. Look for the next non overlapping job index where the next start time >= the end of current job we are looking for the lowest Key in startTimeIndex which is greater than or equal to the current end time then we get the Value of this key if no key is found then it will = the length of the job array.
  5. Check which profit is greater (the previous profit or the current profit along with the profit of the next non overlapping) and save that in the profit array.
  6. Put the current start time in the TreeMap (starTimeIndex) to begin with it the next iteration of the loop again with the lower index.
  7. Return the maximum profit that can be obtained from the jobs that is stored in the first index in the profit array.