
:x: [Error] can't launch

MuscularPuky opened this issue · 3 comments

❌ Error report

Describe the error

  • can't launch WinPaletter anymore after update to

How to reproduce the error

  • auto update to

WinPaletter Log

even couldn't be launched so there's no log

Screenshots/Screen records


Additional context

  • Add any other context about the problem here.
    Application: WinPaletter.exe
    Framework Version: v4.0.30319
    Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
    Exception Info: System.Exception
    at WinPaletter.Program.Domain_UnhandledException(System.Object, System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)

오류 있는 응용 프로그램 이름: WinPaletter.exe, 버전:, 타임스탬프로: 0xba108b36
오류 있는 모듈 이름: KERNELBASE.dll, 버전: 10.0.25997.1000, 타임스탬프: 0xb73984e0
예외 코드: 0xe0434352
오류 오프셋: 0x00150a94
오류 처리 ID: 0x22D4
오류 응용 프로그램 시작 시간: 0x1DA1E4DB16D745C

오류 버킷 1887892760028338230, 유형 5
이벤트 이름: CLR20r3
응답: 사용할 수 없음
Cab ID: 0

문제 서명:
P1: WinPaletter.exe
P3: ba108b36
P4: WinPaletter
P6: ba108b36
P7: 4af
P8: b0
P9: System.Exception

  • WinPaletter might not have full access to Program Files folder. Try to create WinPaletter folder inside Program Files and try again. This folder is used as data storage for Store themes and WinPaletter System Events Sound service (To make them accessible to all users, not just the administrator user opening WinPaletter).

  • If this didn't work, can you try using WinPaletter-DEBUG.exe with WinPaletter.pdb in the same folder? More details should be visible in bug dialog.

  • Try removing WinPaletter settings key in registry:

it's trying to find Win32_UserProfile "S-1-5-82-4068219030-1673637257-3279585211-533386110-4122969689" but fail.

         at WinPaletter.User.IsAdmin(String SID) in F:\\Projects\\WinPaletter\\WinPaletter\\Program\\Users\\User.cs:line 547
         at WinPaletter.UserSwitch.ListUsers(Dictionary`2 UsersList) in F:\\Projects\\WinPaletter\\WinPaletter\\Dialogs\\UserSwitch.cs:line 70
         at WinPaletter.UserSwitch.PickUser(Dictionary`2 UsersList) in F:\\Projects\\WinPaletter\\WinPaletter\\Dialogs\\UserSwitch.cs:line 116
         at WinPaletter.Program.InitializeApplication(Boolean ShowLoginDialog) in F:\\Projects\\WinPaletter\\WinPaletter\\Program\\Program.cs:line 56
         at WinPaletter.Program.Main(String[] args) in F:\\Projects\\WinPaletter\\WinPaletter\\Program\\Program.cs:line 35
  • I'll fix it and push the update as soon as possible.