
Black Screen After Reboot

ThomasTheBox opened this issue · 3 comments

❓ I'm Getting a black screen after installing WinPaletter, can't fix

Sorry to bother, but hopefully someone sees this. I just installed WinPalleter for the first time to try it out and the laptop I did it on won't reboot after, only goes to black screen no matter what I try so far. I have a bunch of stuff hooked to it and I know I could unplug all that and try again, but any other suggestions would be helpful. This is kind of an emergency if I can't fix it on my own as I am a streamer and need this machine to run my stream and I have a scheduled one tomorrow! Plz help if possible!


I was able to fix it for now by running a system restore. I don't remember creating one so maybe WinPaletter did that. I'm not sure, at any rate the emergency is diffused as far as my machine and/or stream goes. Still I'd be interested to see if there is some sort of error log I could pull somewhere to help others in the future if they get this issue. I may have 3rd party tools because I use Windows PowerTools as well. I read the warning and thought I'd be okay, but I think you put it there for a reason and I just didn't pay attention.

  • Which Windows version do you use?
  • Windows PowerTools does not interfere with WinPaletter.
  • Did you apply the whole theme, a theme from the store, or did you apply a single aspect?
  • From now, if you want to change something, do a system backup manually and apply a single aspect (not the whole theme in the main form) (For example: Open Windows Colors and apply it and only).
  • The saved logs are for exception errors, this situation won't save any log unfortunately as everything gone right from the side of WinPaletter before rebooting.

Same once I applied AMOLED theme from store, explorer crashed, on restart white screen, windows 11 latest stable