
A GUI plaintext editor written in Java Swing.

Primary LanguageJava


A GUI plaintext editor written in Java Swing.


  • Create, open, and save plain text documents
  • Multi tab
  • undo/redo functionality
  • find
  • find & replace
  • Auto save

Create, open, and save plain text documents

  • Files can be saved using the "Open" menu item and select the desired file using the file chooser dialog. The content of the file will then be loaded into a text area where the user can view and edit the text. ScreenShot
  • Files can be saved using the "Save" menu item. A file chooser dialog will appear where the user can specify the name and location to save the file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. ScreenShot

Multi Tab


undo/redo functionality

  • Designed Undo/redo functionality using command pattern design pattern. Architecture
  • Implemented Undo/redo functionality using Stack and Rope data structure. ScreenShot


Rope is a data structure for fast manipulating with large strings. You can fast split rope into two ropes, concatenate two ropes into one, insert another rope or element, get and delete the element at a certain position. And all those operations have O(log(n)) asymptotic.


  • My implementation of Rope data structure is based on Treap data structure.


Treap is a Balanced Binary Search Tree, but not guaranteed to have height as O(Log n). The idea is to use Randomization and Binary Heap property to maintain balance with high probability. The expected time complexity of search, insert and delete is O(Log n).

Comparison with Vector(or String)

Operation Vector(or String) Rope
Build O(n) O(n log(n))
Insert O(n m) O(m log(n))
Erase O(n) O(log(n))
Concat O(m) O(log(n))

find a pattern

Used KMP string pattern search algorithm for fast finding a pattern in just O(n + m).

Operation Brute force KMP
search O(n * m) O(n+m)


replace & replace All


Auto Save

Through keep tracing the changes of the files. ScreenShot