📚 Book Directory

🔌 Backend

The backend uses Node.JS and Express.JS to run a server on port 4040. The data is kept in a postgres database running in a docker container.

🖼 Frontend

The frontend was made using next.js and react, and styled with tailwindCSS.

⚙️ Usage

There is a Makefile in the root directory.

  • Run make to create the postgres database and install all npm packages for the frontend and backend.
  • Go to the api folder and run npm run start to start the backend.
  • Then, in a different terminal, go to the src folder and run npm run start to start the next.js frontend.

You can access the app on localhost:3000

P.S: You need to have docker installed to run the postgres database. Also these books don't actually exist. It's just dummy data.

