AAD Phase II Practice Project. This app interacts with GADS 2020 api and displays a list of Top 20 Learners in Learning Leaders' category and Top 20 Learners in the Skill IQ Leaders' category

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

GADS2020-LEADERBOARD-APP - Work in Progress 🔧 🔨

This app interacts with GADS 2020 api and displays a list of Top 20 Learners in Learning Leaders' category and Top 20 Learners in the Skill IQ Leaders' category

Key concepts covered

  • Android Networking
  • MVVM Architecture
  • DI

I have used the following components in development

  • ViewModel to manage UI's data in a lifecycle concious way
  • LiveData to handle data in lifecyle-aware manner helping to reduce memory leaks and ensure the UI is always up to date with the data

User interface

Launch/Splash Screen

Top 20 learners and Top 20 skill IQ leaders

Top 20 learning and Top 20 skill IQ leaders screens populated with data respectively

Project Submit screen

Network Error and Server Error

No internet screen and server response error screens respectively

Additional Features - uncomplete

  • Offline First - add Room to support offline caching pf data
  • Synchronize data 🔁 - add WorkManager to sysnchronize data with remote data