
Code to allow control of Hasomed Rehastim 3 device using EMG data from Delsys

Primary LanguagePython


This is a test environment and that does not provide any warranty, is intended for internal use, and is currently under development. Use at your own risks.

Setup in anaconda environment

Install miniconda

Update conda (might need to open prompt with admin rights)

conda activate base
conda update -n base -c defaults conda

Create environment with python 3.8

conda create --name fes python=3.8

Go to target environment

conda activate fes

If exists, remove conda-forge channel to speed up installations

# conda config --show channels # to show current available channels
# start by removing conda-forge to speed up the base installation
conda config --remove channels conda-forge

Install required libraries for our scripts

cd "Documents/Rehastim/libs" ; pip install sciencemode3_cffi-1.0.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl
conda install -c conda-forge spyder=5.4
conda install -c conda-forge qtpy termcolor python-kaleido beautifultable
conda install numpy matplotlib pandas scikit-learn plotly pyserial git scipy
  • Some USB ports don't seem to work with the stimulator