
Bot Description

  • Deutsch Assistant Bot, helps the user learn new German phrases, receives daily German quotes, and also allows users to translate from English to German using Google API.

Technologies Used

  • Ruby
  • Google Translate API
  • Telegram Bot API

How to Use.

  • Use /start to start the bot.
  • Use /stop to stop the bot.
  • Use /translate to translate words.
  • Use /learn to learn new phrases.

Bot Preview

Game preview


  1. open terminal
  2. cd to project using cd TelegramBot
  3. type rsepc in your terminal

Install Instruction

  1. first thing first ,you should join the the bot on telegram using this link
  2. Open your terminal in the location you want to install the project in.
  3. Clone the Repo on you computer using git clone
  4. Make sure you have Ruby installed; use Ruby -v to check for Ruby Version.
  5. Use bundle install to install all dependencies from Gemfile.
  6. Cd to the project directorycd TelegramBot/bin .
  7. Run ruby main.rb.
  • nb. if you do not have ruby already installed kindly check this link for instruction how to install it on your OS
  • nb. if you do not have Telegram ruby API added to Gemfile, please use gem install telegram-bot-ruby


👤 Abdulrahman Naser

🤝 Contributing

  • Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

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  • Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!