AbdooOS is an Operating System made for fun with love and "sanity loss" by me, a dumb 15 years old (: . The general goal is to make an all purpose OS that anybody can use. The real goal is to learn how a computer works and provide useful resources and examples for people who want to learn about Operating Systems and their development.
The idea is to provide a project that can be used by devs/students and users.
Devs could use this project as an example for learning or developing their own OS.
It can also be used by students to learn about OS Development in one place,
thanks to all the *.md
files I've written to explain how the OS works.
Users could just use it for their everyday activities. It could have
an Internet Browser, a text-editor, a file manager. And maybe in the future
I'll add a GUI!
I've written some stuff so people can learn about OS Development. There is that document I wrote called "How it works". There's also some *notes that aren't really useful, they're just notes I wrote so I remind myself of a few things.
My goal was to understand computers. So of course, I had to understand what I was doing. You might see some code that I just copy-pasted, but I did try to understand before [ctrl+c ctrl+v]'ing.
So I used a lot of resource:
The NanoByte OS Development Series (EXTREMLY useful! Explains theory, practical and everything else!).
The BrokenThornEntertainment OSDev series (WARNING: this resource should be used to generally understand OSDev. It shouldn't be used to make a real OS because of its errors and difficulty. But it is really explanatory.)
OliveStem's OSDev series (Really good to understand with actual coding, not only theory).
Of course, the OSDev Wiki.
MmdOS GitHub repo (really helped me to actually see theory applied into code).