
This project covers a more important topics of digital image processing, for this project i have worked in Matlab and its beautiful functions and graphical components


This Project is really amazing, I have try to implement most of the popular techniques used in digital image processing. I have used Matlab because of it's powerfull commands and computation. I have applied many algorithms and I have explain some of them with the different kind of approaches and operations.

Topics Covered

  • Interpolation (Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, Bicubic)
  • Affine Transformation (Rotation, Shearing)
  • Filtering (Adding and removing noise, Blurring)
  • Enhancment (Histogram Equalization and Contrast Streching)
  • Image Restoration (Image Restoration or conversion of RGB to Gray)

with all these concept of dip and using matlab forms for Graphical user friendly interafce this project completed. Furthermore, for any question you can contact. Thankyou