
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

About this folder and workspace

  • This folder is used to write typescipt code in jupyter environment.
  • The folder jupy-ts is present in K:/projects/python/ directory, here all working directories are kept that are created with conda env. For example when you cd into this directory and run conda activate ts-with-jupylab, a conda environment is activated.
  • All files and packages related to run this environment are installed in w:/miniconda/env/ts-with-jupy-lab.


  • Cd into this folder and open code . or code - workspace name.
  • When code opens make sure that pyhong environment manager extension is enabled.
  • Click this extension and all virtual environments are visiable. Using the arrow sing open the terminal, it will activate the environment.
  • From here type jupyter lab, if it asks for the password type 1234.
  • To enable typscript in jupyter lab tslab extension was used from the github, it needs to be installed correctly.
  • I have installed this globally, following the instruction you need to install its packages using npm, insruction are present on tslab


  • Though vscode terminal seems to be working, but I have prepared a cygwin shell for this project, its entery is present in setting.json file. You can open this ternminal and start working.
  • Problems were coming to commit from conda shell using cywin, copied all files from C:/sghaf/.ssh folder to w:/cygwin/cygwin64/home/ folder.
  • Added git config --global credential.helper store
  • Another problem started to come from conda and power shell that it would not understand the commit message.
   sghaf: jupy-ts on main [ ts-with-jupylab 3.10.8] [ 18.12.1] ❯ git cm -m "normal committ"
error: pathspec 'normal committ' did not match any file(s) known to git
  • This trun out to be a problem of chracters and it was solved using `git commit --message "normal commit"
  • This works but the mistake was mine I have already set the alias for git committ -m = git cm make sure it does not happen.