Project Description

The specific project consists in building a simple “Risk” computer game using C++. The developed program will have to be compatible with the rules and map files and the command-line play of the “Warzone” version of Risk, which can be found at: A Warzone game setup consists of a connected graph map representing a world map, where each node is a country and each edge represents adjacency between countries. Two or more players can play by placing armies on countries they own, from which they can attack adjacent countries to conquer them. The objective of the game is to conquer all countries on the map. For futher details, read 'Project Description.pdf'

Members List:

  • Jason
  • Bea
  • Vanessa
  • Wilson Wei Chen Huang (40077333)
  • Abdul


Our project uses CMake for version control purposes. To install CMake and dependencies please run the build follow the instruction below:


  • Install cmake and make using brew install cmake make
  • Run mkdir build to make a folder called build
  • Install dependency Boost using brew install Boost
  • Build the project using cmake -S . -B ./build


  • Install cmake and make using sudo apt install cmake make
  • Run mkdir build to make a folder called build
  • Install dependency Boost using sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
  • Build the project using cmake -S . -B ./build

After installing and generate build configuration based on CMakeLists.txt, to compile the program, do the following commands starting from the project root directory:

cd build

To run the compiled program: ./${ProgramName} Change the ProgramName above based on the file you wish to run